Wednesday 19th March at 7pm
Nunawading Basketball Centre - Conference Room
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Waverley Basketball Club will be held on Wednesday 19th March at 7pm. The meeting will be held at Nunawading Basketball Centre, Burwood Highway, Burwood East in the Conference Room which is located to your left as you enter the stadium main door.
We always welcome new members to the committee. If you have young children at the club and would like to contribute to the ongoing success of the club, please join us at the AGM. No basketball experience is necessary, we simply require people who love watching their kids play basketball and can help with administrative tasks required to get all of our teams on the court.
We need to start the meeting with a quorum of 9 members present. At the meeting all Executive and General Committee positions become vacant. Any parent/guardian of a player is a member and therefore eligible to join the committee.
Notice of the 2025 Annual General Meeting:
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Waverley Basketball Club Inc. will be held on Wednesday 19th March at 7pm.
Business to be conducted at the AGM:
1. Confirmation of the 2024 AGM minutes and business arising from these minutes.
2. Financial Report for 2024-2025.
3. President's Report for 2024-2025.
4. Election of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and 6 to 11 Committee Members (17 in total).
5. Appointment of Auditors.
Each member is entitled to appoint a proxy, which must be given to the Secretary no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Please contact the Secretary if you would like a Proxy form sent to you.
Notice given by Kimberley Prack, Secretary at secretary@waverleybasketball.net